I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday season! 2013 is going to be an exciting year for our AAZK chapter! Moving into our third year, we have lots of new and revamped ideas to help you excel in your field, make new connections, and celebrate the awesome animals that we are so lucky to work with every day. In the coming weeks I plan on emailing some ideas and updates so we can get started on some of our very exciting fundraisers coming up.
With that in mind! If you have ANY ideas, events, fundraisers that you would like us to do, please do not hesitate to contact myself or any of the officers. This is your chapter and we want it to work for you!
Looking forward to seeing you all at our New Year Party in a few weeks! We'll be sending out a flyer to all the departments and facilities soon.
Robin Sutker
President- Bronx Zoo AAZK Chapter
Keeper, Queens Zoo - The Wildlife Conservation Society
American Association of Zoo Keepers
Associate Wildlife Biologist ®, The Wildlife Society
American Association of Zoo Keepers
Associate Wildlife Biologist ®, The Wildlife Society