National Zookeeper Week: July 15th-21st

 Join us for our second annual celebration of National Zoo Keeper Week! We will be hosting events all week to both show our appreciation for our fellow animal caretakers and to give other WCS staff and zoo visitors an opportunity to learn more about the animal care taking field. This year, NZW runs from July 15th-21st. We will be holding a display dedicated to animal care taking staff at the Bronx Zoo from Monday, July 16th to Friday, July 20 in the Executive Dining Room at the Bronx Zoo, during lunch hours. Here you will find an artist showcase and silent auction, poster presentations and Animal Caretaker Appreciation Awards. Please visit and don't miss out on the chance to bid on some beautiful and unique works of art!

During Members Nights at the Bronx Zoo, we plan on being available in the Rhino Garden by Zoo Center to interact with the public to give visitors a greater understanding of what being a zoo keeper means.

During this week, we plan on holding an Night Celebration full of food and fun.  The night celebration will take place on Tuesday, July 17th after work at the Dancing Crane Pavilion in the Bronx Zoo.   This celebration is in lieu of a meeting on July 20th!  It will be a potluck dinner, so bring your best dishes! If you have an appetite for fun, then join us for our Zoo Scavenger Hunt! The Evening is free for all paid Chapter members. Entry for non-members is either $5, 2 soda bottles or a dish for the potluck. Please RSVP ASAP to Cindy and let her know if you plan on bringing food or drinks.

If you are interested in donating an item for the showcase and silent auction or would like to fill out an Appreciation Award, please find the link on this page and submit it ASAP! If you are interested in volunteering to help during the Bronx Zoo Members' Nights please contact Cindy .

National Zookeeper Week: Artwork Submission Form

National Zookeeper Week: Keeper Nomination Form