May 20th – Enrichment Bonanza 2 and Pasta Challenge
It's back by popular demand!! All are welcome to join this enrichment creation event, don't miss out on the fun.
Any special supply needs, wants, trades; please contact BZAC officers:
Current Wish List: a locking-bit key for the congo drill, A33 barrels, gardening stuff, seeds, rope, fire hose,
soldering gun, additional tools, and a Toddler toy trade-off.
And all you Top Chef fans, this is no "Quick Fire Challenge" this is Ultimate Pasta Challenge.
So, to compete, make your favorite potluck pasta dish: HOT OR COLD, traditional or mac 'n cheese; whatever-edible and let us know.
Bonanza participants will judge and vote for their favorite dish. Winner receives the title "Bronx Zoo Top Chef - Pasta 2011".
Dawn has set it off, by claiming she can make Spaetzle (a German mac'n cheese); any challengers?